Edizeven Circle

Edizeven Circle Community App - The goal of this project was to create a prototype of the Edizeven Circle community app to test with potential users, serving as a platform for members to connect, share information, and engage in discussions relevant to their interests and locality. By enhancing the app's usability, intuitiveness, and overall design, we aimed to boost user engagement and retention while providing a seamless platform for community interaction. The project objectives included identifying pain points through user research, developing user personas to understand target audience needs, iteratively refining the app's interface based on feedback and best practices, creating interactive prototypes for stakeholder and user feedback, conducting user testing to evaluate interest and usability, and collaborating with development teams to ensure accurate implementation of design specifications. Key deliverables encompassed a user research report, detailed user personas, wireframes and prototypes created with Figma and InVision, and comprehensive design documentation. The timeline included concept creation with stakeholders in weeks 1-2 and prototype creation and user research testing in weeks 3-4. By focusing on user-centered design principles and leveraging feedback from stakeholders and end-users, this project aimed to create a more engaging and user-friendly community app that fostered meaningful connections and interactions within the community.
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